Thursday, March 20, 2014

Investigation Box

How To Be A Geologist!


(for second and third grade)
  • Earth and Space Science - Geology
  • 2-PS1-1: Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties. (NGSS)
  • S3.A.2.1.1: Generate questions about objects, organisms, or events that can be answered through scientific investigations. (PACC)
  • S3.C.1.1.1: Describe matter in terms of its observable properties (e.g., weight, mass, shape, size, color, texture, state).
  • S3.D.1.1.1: Recognize that rock is composed of different kinds of minerals.
  • 3.3.3.A2: Identify the physical properties of minerals and demonstrate how minerals can be tested for these different physical properties.
  • R3.A.2.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.
  • R3.A.2.5.1: Summarize the major points, processes, and/or events of a nonfictional text as a whole.

Books and resources used:

 Miscellaneous materials:

  • bead containers
  • index cards
  • card ring
  • colored pencils
  • writing utensils
  • magnifying glass
  • magnet
  • a small sheet of glass (optional: to determine hardness)

Directions and answer key:

Stones in question:

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